Wednesday, April 12, 2017

School Tryathlon

Last Friday our whole school competed in a tryathlon.  Our class swam at the beach, ran back to school then biked around the field.  We thought it was a pretty cool day, but the best thing was the ice cream for finishing. It was amazing.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Beach Ed

On Friday we were lucky enough to go to the beach and learn about staying safe with some Surf Lifesavers.  We went with Te Moana. We had so much fun, we learnt how to use some of the life saving equipment.  We played relays with the rescue tubes, on land and in the water.  We played beach flags - where we had to lie in the sand with our feet facing the flags, then race to get the flag before everyone else.  There were more people than flags, so we kept getting less and less people people until in got down to Rikki-Dean and Tia. (You can watch the movie to see who won!)  Then we got to have a free swim.  It was an awesome day!