Friday, July 7, 2017

Whanau Celebration Day

On Thursday Paihia school  had a whanau day. At whanau day we did a karakia in the whare  then we sat down listened to the fun activities that we are going to do for the day. After all the talking we went back outside to play and plant and do different activities.

The very first game we played was poi toa, then we played maui and matau. We had to buddy up into partners we had to buddy up with someone close to us. The very first thing we did was learnt how to throw a poi toa. My partner threw the poi toa  and I caught it “yay” said Mihipeka.

Then we went to the next activity maui matau. We had to use the  rakau to play the game. First we had to stand in a circle. We all had a rakau-(stick) When the leader says maui-(left) you have to quickly move to the left and grab the other person's stick but you have to leave your stick where you were standing. When the leader says matau-(right) you have to move to the right and grab the other person's stick. If you drop the stick you are out.

After we played maui and matu we went planting. We planted lots of different kinds of trees and we planted it next to our pump track. Then the bell rung and we had a whole school shared lunch and it was yummy.

Here are some photos:


  1. Kia ora Bella, Tia and Ataahua,
    I really enjoyed watching you guys Matariki presentation. I like the way you guys have put more than one photo on one slide, Also how you guys have put all of your names in the photo of them.

    I enjoyed matariki day I can't wait for next year so we can do it again.

  2. hi my name is neko and I like your slide it is great visit my blog at

  3. Hi My name is Brock from Tautoro School really liked your
    presentation was it fun on Matariki Day?
    Blog you later heres my blog
